
Coffee Hour

Join us for Coffee Hour after the 9AM Sunday Mass! This is a great way to connect with friends or meet new ones within our parish family while enjoying coffee and a sweet treat. Simply walk back to the Community Room after Mass.

Thank you for considering a nominal donation to help defray the cost of the coffee and treats.

If you want to learn more about how you can help volunteer to organize the Coffee Hours, email Genevieve Ritch (


We need you—men and women welcome!

Ushers embody the principles of hospitality at St. Pius X Church. As an usher, you will cheerfully greet parishioners as they enter the church, help them to find seats as needed (particularly the elderly and those with special needs), take up collections, and after Mass ends wish everyone a good day and distribute bulletins. Consider joining us as an usher at Masses.

We assign you to a weekly schedule according to your Mass preference and there is increased need during special feast days and holidays. Training is available. Call the parish office at 203-255-6134 for more information about joining our loyal and friendly team of ushers.

