Pastor's Desk Notes

May 21, 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This week, I would like to share three brief items with you.

1. On May 20, Bishop Caggiano ordained six new priests for service in the Diocese of Bridgeport. This is the largest ordination class we have had in a while. These new priests are a tremendous blessing for the Church in Fairfield County! Please pray for them as they begin their priestly ministry. Even though the size of this particular class may be impressive, we should not start to think that everything is fine and we have plenty of future priests waiting in the wings. The need to pray for priestly vocation is as urgent as ever. Please continue to pray for an outpouring of vocations to the priesthood here in the Diocese of Bridgeport, and for those men who are discerning their call, that they might have the grace to respond with generosity and faith!

2. Next weekend is Memorial Day weekend, which, as we all know, marks the beginning of summer, even though school will still be in session for a few weeks after. We enter a season of graduations, transitions, and, in a real way, endings. Some students change schools, prepare to move away, or prepare to move home. With the summer comes a time for rest, and though the working world does not stop, this is nevertheless a season when things slow down. So before this slower season kicks off, I would like to suggest that this is the perfect time for our faith to also kick into a new gear. With the extra time afforded by a lighter schedule, could the summer months not be a time for us to grow in daily prayer? To recommit to our practice of Sunday Mass attendance, or even to add a daily Mass or two into our week?  When traveling for vacation, is Sunday Mass on your itinerary? I can tell you that there are few things as wonderful as attending Mass on vacation. Whenever I travel away from the parish, though I always celebrate Mass wherever I am, I also like to visit a new church and attend a Sunday Mass. I always come away from those Masses with 1) a significantly greater appreciation for all of you here at St. Pius X, 2) an idea for something we can do, or a bit of wisdom that I can share, and 3) a sense of the universality of our faith and worship that makes me feel at home even when I am far from Fairfield.

3. Adore 365 effort is still underway. In order for perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to become a reality, we are in need of people who will volunteer one hour per week (same day/time each week) to pray in the presence of Jesus in the monstrance. If summer is a good time to enhance our spiritual life, participating in perpetual adoration can be a tremendous practice to increase our prayer and meditation. Also, the chapel is air conditioned, so no matter how hot it gets outside, your time spend with Jesus will be very comfortable.


Fr. Sam