Pastor's Desk Notes

October 23, 2022



Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

St. Pius X is a vibrant community of over 2,300 registered households. We will celebrate over 100 baptisms in this calendar year, along with 17 weddings. The parish is host to Fairfield Edge Middle School Youth Ministry and Fairfield Life Teen High School Youth Ministry, a new and exciting young adult outreach, and a thriving Senior Ministry. The new small group initiative is underway, and many other outstanding groups are giving shape to our community of faith. With all that said, even a busy, vibrant parish has needs. We at St. Pius X face some important financial challenges.

  • Our 60-year-old school building is used daily by our parish students in faith formation and youth ministry. It is also a source of income for our parish. Keeping it well maintained will ensure it remains a safe place for our students and an attractive rental option for the broader community.
  • Specific repairs and updates to the building ($275,000) include:
    • Windows in all classrooms need to be replaced.
    • Lighting needs an upgrade, especially in the gym.
    • Replacement of the gym floor.
    • Plumbing updates.
    • Thermostat replacement throughout the building.
    • Asbestos abatement in certain areas.
  • We need to pay off our $1,215,700 bank loan related to the renovation of the church. While we continue to collect pledges from the We Stand with Christ Campaign, we are also aware that some of those pledges will not be redeemed as financial situations have changed for some, others have moved, and some have passed to their eternal reward.
  • Of the 2,300 families registered in the parish, 530 households (23% of the parish) contribute regularly to the offertory. We would like to increase Mass attendance, participation in parish life, and offertory support by doubling that number.
  • We need volunteers to help organize fundraising events and revive the parish festival.

The 2022 St. Pius X Annual Parish Appeal will be used to help us meet these financial challenges.

I ask you to prayerfully consider a gift to this appeal. Thank you for your generosity and for your love for our
St. Pius X Parish family!



YES! I want to be a part of the 2022 St. Pius X Annual Appeal. Here is my gift:

 $ $5,000   $ $2,500    $ 1,500  $ 1,000  $750  $500  $250  $ Other______

 Full Name_____________________________________________________________________________

Address______________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________ State_______ Zip_________________________

CreditCard#_________________________________Exp.Date_______________CVC #______________

Billing Name______________________Billing Address _______________________________________

(If different than above)                                                    (If different than above)

 MAIL TO:  St. Pius X Parish Office, 834 Brookside Drive, Fairfield CT 06824