RCIA (Becoming Catholic)

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Have you been thinking about becoming a Catholic?

Are you, or someone you know, not Catholic but would like to learn more about the teachings of the Catholic faith?

Do you have questions about what Catholics believe and how Catholics practice their faith?

Are you a Catholic adult seeking the sacraments of initiation because you did not receive them when you were younger?

For more information call the Parish Office at (203) 255-6134.

About RCIA

RCIA is a journey where you will learn how to live the Gospel values and the truths of the Catholic faith. We hold regular sessions to share what Catholics believe and the fellowship of our church family through study, prayer, and rites at masses. You will be mentored throughout the process by a team of catechists and sponsors.

The celebration of the sacraments of initiation takes place during the Easter Vigil Liturgy on Holy Saturday when you will receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and communion. Then you will be fully initiated into the Catholic Church.

People involved in the RCIA process are either catechumens (those who have never been baptized) or candidates (those who are baptized in a different faith tradition or baptized Catholics who have not received the Eucharist or been confirmed).