Pastor Fr. Sam Welcomes You to St. Pius

It is a joy to welcome you to St. Pius X Parish!
In his first encyclical letter, E Supremi, written in 1903, Pope St. Pius X wrote that his only desire in serving the Catholic Church as Pope was to “renew all things in Christ.” Indeed, it is Christ who renews us, who calls us to an intimate relationship of love with him, and who sends us out as missionaries to bring the light of the Gospel to the entire world.
At St. Pius X Parish, we are centered in the Eucharist, where we encounter Jesus, the One who renews us. Inspired by the Word of God proclaimed in Scripture, we are challenged daily to conform our lives more perfectly to the God who loves us. Strengthened by the sacraments, we find the mercy, healing, and grace which Jesus gives. Our worship of God is the foundation for our care for one another and the ministries which are so integral to our parish life.
I look forward to praying with you and welcoming you into the life of our parish family. If you would like to register as a parishioner, complete the Parishioner Registration & Information Update Census Form. Please feel free to email me if I can help you in any way.
May Jesus Christ bring renewal to your heart today!
In Christ,